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Alhamra Islamic Asset Allocation Fund

Investment Objective

The objective of the Alhamra Islamic Asset Allocation Fund is to provide medium to long term capital appreciation through investing in Shariah compliant investments in Pakistan and internationally.

Alhamra Islamic Asset Allocation Fund Profile

Alhamra Islamic Asset Allocation Fund (ALHAA) is an Open-end Shariah Compliant (Islamic) Asset Allocation scheme, which seeks to achieve its objective through investing in a portfolio of Shariah compliant investments diversified across the capital markets of Pakistan as well as keeping a limited exposure internationally. The fund is managed through an active management strategy with dynamic allocations towards different asset classes.

The investment process is driven by fundamental research. The domestic portfolio of the Alhamra Islamic Asset Allocation Fund primarily invests in fundamentally strong Shariah compliant equities, while some portion of the fund is also allocated towards high quality Sukuks and other types of Shariah compliant instruments offering higher comparative returns. For equities investment, fundamental outlook of sectors/companies and DCF (discounted cash flow) valuations are the primary factors in sectors’ allocation and stock selection. Major portion of the fund’s portfolio is high quality liquid stocks. International investments up to 30% of the net assets are made in Shariah compliant mutual funds investing into various world markets. Allocation in various international mutual funds is decided on the basis of economic and capital market outlook for major world economies and track record of the fund managers.

Quick Facts

Launch Date 2-May-2006
Fund Type An Open End Scheme
Currency PKR
Minimum Investment 500 /-
Asset Manager Rating AM1 (AM One) by PACRA (04-Oct-24)
Fund Manager Syed Abid Ali
Pricing Mechanism Forward
Listing Pakistan Stock Exchange
Trustee Central Depository Company of Pakistan Limited
Auditor M/s. BDO Ebrahim & Co. Chartered Accountants
Benchmark KMI 30 Index and Six (6) months average deposit rates of three (3) A rated scheduled Islamic Banks or Islamic Windows of Conventional Banks as selected by MUFAP on the basis of actual proportion held by the Scheme

Latest Expense ratio of the Fund is updated in the FMR (Fund Manager’s Report).

5 years performance

Year Fund (%) Benchmark (%)
2024 80.64 75.43
2023 1.43 3.09
2022 -17.22 -9.53
2021 24.41 35.56
2020 -0.76 0.68

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Disclaimer: All investments in mutual fund are subject to market risks. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of the future results. Please read the Offering Document to understand the investment policies and the risks involved. Performance data does not include the cost incurred directly by an investor in the form of sales loads etc. The information in this literature is issued for indicative and informational purposes only and investors are advised to make their own appraisal of the investment opportunity, tax implications and consult their own financial, legal, taxation and/or other professional advisors prior to making any investment in mutual fund. The mutual fund may hold certain non-compliant investments. Before making any investment decision, investors should review the latest monthly Fund Manager Report and the Financial Statements of the mutual fund particularly the details of non-compliant investments, provision against SWWF liability and Risk Factors.